Quality control for your safety.

Specialized company with over 25 years of experience in commodity inspection and laboratory testing services in Croatia and abroad.

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Quality control of commodities in siloses and warehouses, transit ports, slaughterhouses, animal feed mixers plants and sugar factories. Reliability and experience based on 3 million tons of inspected commodities per year.

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Accredited laboratory for food, animal feed, water, wastewater, soil and environmental testing. Over 1200 types of analysis, 137 accredited methods, flexible range and 518 pesticide active substances available for testing. Reliability based on 70.000 analysis per year.

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Certificates and Authorizations

*HAA ISO 17025 No.1105 and HAA ISO 17020 No. 6158/08 logo features refer to the accreditation of particular test methods in the laboratory, that is, to test pigs, beef and sheep carcasses and half carcasses in slaughterhouses.